
1. Urban and regional development

  • Territorial Productivity Differences and Dynamics within Latin American Countries (with Virgilio Galdo and Elena Ianchovichina). Policy Research Working Paper 10480 2023: accessible here
  • Cash in the City: The Case of Port-au-Prince (with Julius Gunneman, Karishma V Patel and Caroline Tassot). Social Protection & Jobs Discussion Paper 2205. World Bank, Washington, DC 2022: accessible here.
  • Jobs to People or People to Jobs. Levering public housing programs to support the formation of economic sub-centres in South Africa (with Somik V. Lall). South Africa Urbanisation Review, Cities Support Programme (CSP), Intergovernmental Relations Division of the National Treasury 2018: accessible here.
  • The Urban Wage Premium in Africa (with Patricia Jones and Louise Bernard) in Wage Inequality in Developing Countries: Volume I (ed. S. Johnson-Lans). Africa, Palgrave 2017.

2. Conflict

  • Risk, Security, and Coping Mechanisms in Contexts of Violent Conflict: Evidence from Rwanda and Burundi (with Philip Verwimpin A Micro-Level Perspective on the Dynamics of Conflict, Violence, and Development (edited by P. Justino, T. Brück and P. Verwimp), Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK 2013.

3. Institutional Economics

  • Who Benefits from Customary Justice? Rent-seeking, Bribery and Criminality in Sub-Saharan Africa (with Olivier Sterck). Journal of African Economies 2016: accessible here.

4. Entrepreneurship

  • Risky Business? Rural Entrepreneurship in Subsistence Markets (with Katarzyna Cieslik), The European Journal of Development Research 2017: accessible here.

5. Public Health in Emergency Settings

  • The frequency and impact of natural disasters (with Debby Guha-Sapir, Femke Vos and Philippe Hoyois in The Economic Impacts of Natural Disasters (edited by D. Guha-Sapir and I. Santos), Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK 2013.